
Chemical Footprint Project 2020 Survey Webinar Series

February 06, 2020 Webinars & Videos

CFP Pillars Webinar Series

Do you want to be a leader in proactive chemicals management? The CFP Survey provides a standard metric for evaluating and tracking an organization’s overall chemicals management policies, strategies, and practices. Your participation in the CFP Survey marks your commitment to a safer chemicals economy. This webinar series aims to introduce how the CFP frames chemical management policies, inform how CFP can be used to evaluate corporate chemical management systems, and educate perspective participants of how to complete the CFP Survey. In January and February four webinars will cover the four pillars of the CFP Survey:

January 16th 1:00 PM EDT - Management Strategy 

Learn the value, intent, documentation requirements, and relevant examples for each of the four questions in the Management Strategy section of the CFP Survey, including best practices for developing and implementing a comprehensive chemicals management policy. 

January 23rd 1:00 PM EDT - Chemical Inventory

Learn the value, intent, documentation requirements, and relevant examples for each of the six questions in the Chemical Inventory section of the CFP Survey, including best practices for restricting chemicals and collecting information on chemical ingredients in products. 

January 30th 1:00 PM EDT - Footprint Measurement

Learn the value, intent, documentation requirements, and relevant examples for each of the five questions in the Footprint Measurement section of the CFP Survey, including how to set chemical hazard reduction goals, calculate chemical footprints, and identify safer alternatives. 

February 6th 1:00 PM EDT - Disclosure and Verification

Learn the value, intent, documentation requirements, and relevant examples for each of the four questions in the Disclosure & Verification section of the CFP Survey, including the value of public disclosure of chemical ingredients in products and the CFP Verifier program.